Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Category: Women in the Bible
This Quiz: Mothers of the Bible
    1.) Who was the mother of Ishmael and handmaiden of Sarah, Abram's wife?
    2.) Who was the mother of John the Baptist?
           Mary Magdalene
    3.) Whose mother said to Mary, "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb"?
           John the Baptist
    4.) What mother brought her son a coat every year?
    5.) Which king was taught sayings by his mother as related in Proverbs?
    6.) Whose mother asked Jesus to grant her sons places at his right and left?
           Peter and Andrew
           Philip and Bartholomew
           Nathanael and Nicodemus
           James and John
    7.) Solomon judged a dispute between two mothers about whose baby boy had died. What did one mother say had caused the death of the child?
           He had suffocated.
           His mother had lain on him.
           He fell from a window.
           His brother had slain him.
    8.) Whose mother was paid to be his nurse?
           John the Baptist
    9.) Who spoke of his desire to gather Jerusalem's children as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings?
    10.) The mother of Gad and Asher was:

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